Is Your Computer Slow? Make It Great Again!

Old Computer

So…my computer is sometimes slow. Or at least it USED to be slow. In this guide, we will tell you the way to make your computer the way that you would want it to be.


Your computer may be brand new, but depending on the tasks you are trying to complete, you might need to give it more RAM, or even install an SSD as your boot drive. If you are taking the SSD approach, we are currently creating a guide on installing the SSD into your computer.

Kingston SSD


RAM Sticks

This is very simple. If you have someone who works on your computer, tell them to upgrade your ram to double. If you are good with computers, you can say “I want the RAM upgraded from 8GB to 16GB.” You can even do it yourself by opening up the computer and inserting another stick of memory. This will definitely help your tasks and running time by a ton.

Uninstall Things You Don’t Use

Sure…you may think that you need the “native slope game” on your computer, but you can just get it in your browser. Uninstall all of the heavy programs from your computer and try to use the web apps. If you have a slow internet connection, you might be out of luck, but we definitely recommend it. For example, you might be using Groove Music and have the music downloaded locally. Well, upload it to Google Play Music and you are all set!

Install Linux

If all you do is browse the internet and use Microsoft Word (if anyone still uses that), you might as well upgrade to Linux. Windows 10 is VERY intense for any computer, while Linux is just fine and runs very fast. You should go to and scroll to the bottom to answer a form with Linux distribution recommendations.

Linux Mint 18

What did you do from the article? Let us know in the comments. We can’t wait to see if it worked!

Chaney Goldstein

I'm a consumer technology reviewer who likes to take a deeper dive into technology and how it affects the average day-to-day life of someone. You can count on me for reliable and up-to-date technology reviews about any field of tech.

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